Master English with our Courses

Join our academy and embark on a transformative journey towards fluency and mastery in just 24 months.

woman, administrator, computer

We at the EEA have a supportive learning approach. Understanding that learning is a lifelong study, we want to create ways for all learners to fulfil their English language goals.

If you are looking for the best teacher to help improve your language skills online, we are the best in the market. We are a team of qualified teachers with years of experience and we will help you all through the course.

Our Core Values

For us, teaching is not just a job, it’s a labour of love.
Students’ progress is our main focus. We genuinely care!
Lessons are skillfully planned
We create a safe and comfortable environment.
We make learning fun.

What Our Students Say

I would like to thank you for the great efforts that you have made for us in guiding us towards success and excellence for us. Your explanation is wonderful, your excellent style in conveying information, your patience with us, and your encouragement for us in every lesson. Words of thanks do not describe the extent of my gratitude to you.

Student Ahmed

I never liked the English language. When I took the first lesson with her, I loved it and continued with her. Now I have been with her for almost a year. This year, I have improved a lot in the English language. I speak with confidence and do not hesitate. Everyone has noticed my improvement in the English language from school, my friends and my family. I was very weak in the English language at school, but thanks to her, I have become the best in the school in the English language. I learn in every class and I want to take another lesson because learning with her is very enjoyable. She is not just a teacher, but she is a friend and more than that.

Student Mohammad

Lucky that teacher Azra is my teacher
She takes care of the student
And I like the way she teaches
She is Patient
Teacher Azra Listens carefully to the students
And her class is Very beneficial class
She Always bring a new and interesting Topics to talk about
You never feel bored in her class
I’m lucky and glad that she’s my best teacher

Student Ibrahim

I would like to thank the efforts of my teacher Azra for encouraging me, which made me have the confidence to talk in front of people without fear. At first, I believed that she was like the rest of the teachers on the way of teaching, but it proved the opposite of that and made me love the language more and long for the next class. Thank you for all the time you give us with all love, appreciation and confidence. glad that she’s my best teacher

Student Norah

Arabic Review

معلمتي الرائعة أود اشكرك على مجهوداتك العظيمه الذي بذلتيه لنا في توجيهانا نحو النجاح والتفوق من اجلنا.في شرحك رائع واسلوبك الممتاز في توصيل المعلومة وصبرك لنا وتشجيعك لنا في كل درس.فعبارات الشكر لاتصف مدى أمتناني لكي استاذة Azra
من تلاميذك

Student Ahmed

معلمة Azra. لم احب اللغة الانجليزية اطلاقا عندما اخذت الدرس الاول معها احببته واستمريت معها الان انا معها تقريبا سنة هذا العام تحسنت كثيرا في اللغة الانجليزية اتكلم بثقة لا اتردد الجميع لاحظ تحسني في اللغة الانجليزية من المدرسة واصدقائي واهلي كنت ضعيفة جدا في اللغة الانجليزية في المدرسة ولكن بفضلها اصبحت الافضل في المدرسة في اللغة الانجليزية اتعلم في كل حصة واريد ان اخذ درس اخر لان التعلم معها ممتع جدا فهي ليست مجرد معلمة بل هي صديقة واكثر من ذلك شكرا جزيلا معلمة Azra

Student Mohammad

لمعلمة ازرا معلمتي وانا محظوظ جدا انها
معلمتي لأنها تهتم جدا بالطلاب وتعرف مستواه وايش يحتاج وصبورة جدا مع الطالب حتى
يتعلم ومستمعة جيدة فعلا محظوظ كل من درس عندها حصصها غير مملة و مفيدة ومليئة بالحماس كل حصة تحضرها تكون
متحمس للحصة اللي بعدها

فبارك الله جهودها

ابراهيم سميقا

Student Ibrahim

أود أنا اشكر جهود معلمتي Azra على تشجيعي ، وهي التي جعلتني أملك الثقة بتحدث أمام الناس بلا خوف ، في البداية ضننت انها مثل باقي المعلمات في طريق التدريس لاكنها اثبتت عكس ذالك وجعلتني احب اللغة اكثر واتشوق للحصة التالية شكراً لكي على كل الوقت الذي تقدميه لنا بكل حب وتقدير وثقة
و اود ان اشكر المعلمة سلمى على مرحها في الحصة وطريقة التي تناسب كل طالب وطالبة شكراً على هذا المجهود الرائع

Student Norah

Meet Our Talented Team







Aimilios Tgod

Project Coordinator

Not Sure Which Level You Are On?

With our team ….you won’t have to worry about being on the wrong level.

Woman in Pink Hijab Sitting on Chair

Let us build Your English together

Congratulations on taking the first step!  As we know, English is spoken almost everywhere. In the digital world that we live in, English is the main language. Most international  business meetings are conducted in English. When traveling, being able to speak English is very helpful. At EEA, we try our best to help you reach your goals.

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